Finding a place in sports broadcasting

Provided by Gabie Redmon

A freshman sports management major at Coastal Carolina University, Gabie Redmon is a member of WCCU Radio. Specializing in sports broadcasting, she co-hosts the Sports Uncaged show in addition to doing play-by-plays and calling baseball games.

Redmon had no experience prior to joining the radio station. However, she said the skills she has learned from her time in high school musical theatre have translated well to radio.

“I think that being in theatre and being on stage and stuff gave me the confidence to be able to go on the radio and talk about things,” she said, “even if I mess up or say something wrong or I say something crazy, I really don’t beat myself up about it.”

One of the aspects Redmon said she enjoys about the radio is how friendly the members are. Initially, she was scared because she found out she was the only woman reporting on sports at the radio, fearing she would be judged. However, she said the other radio hosts welcomed her with open arms.

“The guys at the radio honestly have been so good about just, like, really not caring and giving me equal opportunities,” Redmon said. “When it was time to call games for baseball, they knew it was my favorite sport and immediately asked me to do it.”

Having grown up out of state in Northern Virginia, the friends she’s found at the radio are all the more important. She said she’s gained a more diverse sense of Coastal’s campus outside of the people she knows from her dorm.

At the radio, she said she’s been able to create her own voice when it comes to covering sports and hosting. Redmon said a key part of announcing for the radio is showcasing personality. In addition to her theatre experience, she said many women in the field have inspired her work at WCCU Radio.

“My favorite baseball team is the San Francisco Giants, and they have this one lady news reporter who I definitely take from a lot,” Redmon said.

Since starting work at the radio in September 2022, she said her skills as a speaker have grown. From the supportive, friendly environment, Redmon plans to continue working at WCCU Radio and become as involved as she can.