Scoping out before scheduling
Do you use If so, how does it help you?

MacKenna Stidd
Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio
Major: English
Year: Junior
“Yes, I use it because it helps me decide who to get or not. I trust other people’s opinions, and if majority of the people are saying ‘so and so’ is an awful teacher and grades unfairly, I am definitely not going to be wanting to take them.”

Caden Taylor
Hometown: Chester, South Carolina
Major: Psychology
Year: Sophomore
“I think it’s pretty reliable. You get mixed reviews sometimes, and it’s kind of just up for your discretion. Overall, I use it a ton for my scheduling like for next semester. So, I think it’s pretty useful.”
Haleigh Heston
Hometown: Marlton, New Jersey
Major: Exercise and sports science
Year: Junior
“If it says all negative things about a teacher, I will switch my class or try to get a different teacher.”

Kevin Mingle
Hometown: Bronx, New York
Major: Business management
Year: Senior “So far, it ain’t lied yet.”

Brooke Johnson
Hometown: Dover, Pennsylvania
Major: Accounting
Year: Sophomore
“I make sure to use it when making my schedule because I don’t want bad professors, and I like to see what other people have to say.”

Ezekiel Penn
Hometown: Pawleys Island, South Carolina
Major: Business Management
Year: Sophomore
“Rate My Professor is a great way to know what you’re getting yourself into for the upcoming semesters.”

Telling stories through different mediums is what inspires me. I got my feet wet in journalism by being editor for my high school’s yearbook. Since then,...