Life in Germany: How it’s impacted me

I arrived in Germany on March 1, 2022, and now, almost one year later, I am saying goodbye and thank you to my second home.

To those of you who have read my study abroad columns, I want to give a special thanks for following along because this is my second-to-last one. It fills me with joy that I was able to share my journey with you all and hear it has made an impact in some way or another. Soon I’ll be returning home and planning new and even better adventures.

During my time abroad I have learned a great deal of things. Things I would not know a fraction of if I had stayed in Myrtle Beach. Since I’ve been in Germany, I have completed an internship in an office where I worked with people of over 15 nationalities, traveled to various countries around Europe, lived on my own for the first time, witnessed a different type of teaching culture, and so much more.

Being an intern at RheinAhrCampus has made me realize regardless of whatever my future career path holds, I desperately want to work in an international setting. My cultural awareness has enhanced significantly by working with people from Iraq, Brazil, Georgia, etc. I thrive learning from people of different backgrounds because they bring perspectives to situations I would have never thought about on my own.

Being able to travel around Europe has allowed me to develop soft skills I never thought I could cultivate through traveling. I am a much better problem solver since I’ve been stuck in situations such as being stranded in a city with no internet connection. I’ve also learned how to be more adaptable, communicate with those who have different views than I, and develop my own definition of independence.

Life abroad, life away from home, stepping outside of my comfort zone, trying things for the first time, putting myself into unknown situations– all these things have helped me grow as a person both professionally and personally. I cannot wait to plan my next journey and see where life takes me.

Read about my last travel experience in an upcoming issue.