A new club on campus seeks to offer Coastal Carolina University students an opportunity to grow their skills in the field of sports, both in front of the camera and behind the scenes.
The Sports Media Action Club (SMAC) was started in September during the fall 2024 semester. Under the direction of their adviser Marc Krein, the SMAC club has drawn in students from both the recreation and sports management major and journalism and sports media major.
Krein said that in addition to getting both these majors together under one roof, he’d like this club to serve as a sort of conduit for these majors. In addition to offering resume workshops, the club offers various networking opportunities.
With SMAC having only one semester under their belt, they aren’t officially recognized club yet. Krien said the organization is taking steps to be recognized by the Student Government Association (SGA) as an official club.
“We also want to be officially recognized by the SGA so we can receive funding and get our own spot on the website,” Krein said.
While SMAC has only its second semester on the horizon, there seems to be plenty of growth still to come for the fletching club.
In addition to the club’s desire to become recognized by SGA, Krein said he would like the club to be recognized by the broadcasting division here at CCU. Campus awareness is key to creating a centralized area for sports media students and those with common interests.
“We kind of want to serve as a conduit,” Krein said.